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Basic tips for learning English as a Second Language

⦿ Active and passive voice
⦿ Abbreviations in English (overview of the types.
⦿ Abbreviations for texting in English
⦿ Adjectives
⁍ Adjectives: What they are and what they do
-ed and -ing verbs adjectives
⦿ Adverbs
About adverbs
Adverbs of
Adverb positions
Conjunctive adverbs

⦿ Alphabet: Learning your ABC’s
⦿ Articles: a, an, the
⦿ Base vs Bass
⦿ Beside vs Besides
⦿ Capital vs. Capitol
⦿ Capitalization rules in English
⦿ Cardinal numbers
⦿ Colors
⦿ Commonly confused words in English
⦿ Comparatives and Superlatives
⦿ Conditionals
⦿ Conjunctions
Types of conjunctions in English
Conjunctive adverbs
Consonant “y” vs. vowel “y”
Coordinating conjunctions
Correlative conjunctions
Subordinating Conjunctions
⦿ Context clues
⦿ Contractions used in English
⦿ Date: Telling the Date in English
⦿ Desert vs. Dessert
⦿ Determiners
⦿ Diphthongs
⦿ Gerunds
⦿ Gerunds vs. Infinitives
⦿ Greetings in English
⦿ Idioms
Idioms: What they are and what they do
Funny and confusing idioms
Money idioms
Time idioms
Work idioms
⦿ Infinitives
⦿ Introductions in English
⦿ Negative sentences (how to make)
⦿ Nominalization

⦿ Nouns
All about nouns in English
Abstract nouns
Collective nouns
Common nouns
Concrete nouns
Countable nouns
Proper nouns
Uncountable nouns
⦿ Ordinal numbers
⦿ Parallelism
⦿ Parts of speech
⦿ Person, persons, people, and peoples
⦿ Personification
⦿ Phrases for partial agreement, partial disagreement, and acknowledging both sides
⦿ Plurals (making plurals)
⦿ Phrasal Verbs
Why study Phrasal verbs?
Phrasal verbs for emotions
Phrasal verbs for everyday
Phrasal verbs for mechanics
Phrasal verbs for relationships
Phrasal verbs for travel
⦿ Possessives
⦿ Prepositions
Prepositions An overview
Prepositions for giving directions
Prepositions of position (in, on, etc)
Prepositions of time
Comprehensive list of prepositions
⦿ Pronouns
A comprehensive list of pronouns characterized by type
Relative pronouns
What pronouns are
⦿ Punctuation marks (basic)
⦿ R-controlled vowels
⦿ Sentences: Cleft Sentences
⦿ Sentences: Four structures
⦿ Sentences: Four types
⦿ Silent E (aka Bossy E or Magic E)
⦿ Style guides
⦿ Subject Complements and Object Complements
⦿ Teaching
Common Challenges Faced by ESL Students
Cultural barriers
Different learning styles
Lacking Confidence
Lack of motivation
Limited listening skills
Limited reading and writing skills
Limited speaking skills
Limited vocabulary
English classes vs ESL classes: What’s the difference?
Tips and tricks for teaching English learners
Tips for teaching children English as a Second Language (ESL)
Why get ESL education as a teacher?

⦿ Telling time in English
⦿ The ‘Y’ rule in spelling
⦿ Their, they’re, there
⦿ This, that, these, those
⦿ To, too, and two
⦿ Question words in English
⦿ Questions: Asking/forming questions
⦿ Quantifiers
⦿ Verbs
Auxiliary verbs vs Helping verbs vs Modal verbs
Be verbs (irregular verbs)
Do vs Have in English
Do vs Make
-ed sounds (words ending in -ed)
Have (to have)
Irregular verbs (defined)
Irregular verbs (list)
Laying vs Lying
Modal verbs
Verb tenses in English explained
Will vs Going to
⦿ Vocabulary
Accept vs Except
Again vs back
Affect vs Effect
Another vs other
Aviation mechanics
Automotive mechanics
Cooking vocabulary
Days, months, seasons, and seasons (includes advanced vocab)
During vs While
Family vocabulary
Home vocabulary
Look, see, and watch
Lose, loose, and lost
Medical doctor vocabulary
Pet vocabulary
Since vs For
Such as vs Like
Talking about death
Teach vs. Train
⦿ Vowel teams

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