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Personification: what it is and how to use it

How to use Personification
How to use Personification

Personification is a literary device where human qualities or actions are attributed to inanimate objects, animals, or abstract ideas. Essentially, it’s giving non-human things human characteristics.

What it is

  • Creating imagery: Personification helps create vivid and relatable images in the reader’s mind.
  • Figurative language: It’s a type of figurative language, meaning it’s not meant to be taken literally.
  • Giving human traits: Personification involves describing something non-human as if it were a person. This can include emotions, actions, or physical characteristics.

How to use it

  • Identify the non-human subject: First, decide what you want to personify. It could be anything from the wind to a computer.
  • Choose human qualities: Think about which human characteristics would best suit your subject. Consider emotions (like anger, joy, or sadness), actions (like whispering, dancing, or shouting), or physical traits (like a smile or a frown).
  • Incorporate into your writing: Use verbs, adjectives, or phrases that convey those human qualities.


  • “The wind whispered through the trees.” (Giving the wind the human action of whispering)
  • “The sun smiled down on us.” (Giving the sun the human emotion of smiling)
  • “The angry storm raged through the night.” (Giving the storm the human emotion of anger)
  • “The old house groaned under the weight of the snow.” (Giving the house the human action of groaning)

Why use personification?

  • Adds emotional depth: It can evoke emotions and create a stronger connection with the reader.
  • Creates vivid imagery: It makes writing more engaging and helps readers visualize the scene.
  • Enhances storytelling: It can add depth and richness to stories and poems.
  • Makes abstract ideas relatable: It can make complex or abstract concepts easier to understand.

Basically, personification is a powerful tool for writers to bring their descriptions to life and create a more immersive experience for their readers.

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