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Ordinal numbers: What they are

Ordinal Numbers
Ordinal Numbers

Ordinal numbers tell us the position or order of something in a sequence. They answer the question “which one?” and are commonly used in speaking. Just as with cardinal numbers, these numbers were defined by mathematician Georg Cantor.

Think of them like this: if you’re in a race, you might come in first, second, or third place. Those “first,” “second,” and “third” are ordinal numbers.

Here are some key things about ordinal numbers:

  • Position: They indicate the place of something in a list or order.  
  • Sequence: They show the order of items in a series.  
  • Examples: first, second, third, fourth, fifth, tenth, hundredth, and so on.

Difference between cardinal and ordinal numbers

It’s important to remember the difference between cardinal and ordinal numbers:

  • Cardinal numbers: Tell us “how many” (e.g., 3 apples)  
  • Ordinal numbers: Tell us the position or order (e.g., the 3rd apple in the line)  

How to write ordinal numbers

  • In words: first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth
  • In numerals: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th
  • For numbers 10 and above: you usually add “th” to the end of the cardinal number (e.g., 10th, 11th, 20th, 100th). There are some exceptions, like 21st, 22nd, and 23rd.
Cardinal Ordinal
1One 1stFirst
2Two 2ndSecond
3Three 3rdThird
4Four 4thFourth
5Five 5thFifth
6Six 6thSixth
7Seven 7thSeventh
8Eight 8thEighth
9Nine 9thNinth
10Ten 10thTenth
11Eleven 11thEleventh
12Twelve 12thTwelfth
13Thirteen 13thThirteenth
14Fourteen 14thFourteenth
15Fifteen 15thFifteenth
16Sixteen 16thSixteenth
17Seventeen 17thSeventeenth
18Eighteen 18thEighteenth
19Nineteen 19thNineteenth
20Twenty 20thTwentieth
21Twenty-one 21stTwenty-first
22Twenty two 22ndTwenty-second
23Twenty-three 23rdTwenty-third
24Twenty-four 24thTwenty-fourth
25Twenty-five 25thTwenty-fifth
30Thirty 30thThirtieth
31Thirty-two 31stThirty-first
32Thirty-three 32ndThirty-second
33Thirty-four 33rdThirty-third
40Forty 40thFortieth
50Fifty 50thFiftieth
60Sixty 60thSixtieth
70Seventy 70thSeventieth
80Eighty 80thEightieth
90Ninety 90thNinetieth
100One hundred 100thHundredth
1000One thousand 1000thThousandth

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