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Pet vocabulary in English

In honor of Maximus Decimus Meridius (2010-2025)
English Vocabulary for Pets

Pets are a common part of life around the world. In English, we have a wide variety of terms related to pets. Learning pet vocabulary enhances communication about pets, their care, and behavior — making conversations about animals more precise and engaging. Pet owners, animal lovers, or anyone involved in veterinary care or pet-related professions need to understand and use this language effectively. Moreover, it helps in adopting or caring for pets by facilitating discussions on health, training, and everyday needs. This article will include various pet vocabulary to include nouns, verbs, and adjectives. In addition, common pet names and pictures can be found at the end. Please note that there are pictures of reptiles.

Nouns for pets

  • Animal rescue/Animal shelter/Humane society A place where abandoned or unwanted animals are cared for and often made available for adoption. Example: We adopted our cat from the local animal shelter.
  • Aquarium – A glass tank used for keeping fish or other aquatic animals. Example: Our aquarium is home to several colorful fish.
  • Breed – A specific type or strain of animal, characterized by distinctive traits. Example: Golden Retrievers are a popular dog breed.
  • Cage – An enclosure used for housing birds or small animals. Example: We keep our hamster in a cage.
  • Chew toy – A toy designed for pets to chew on, often to help with dental health or to relieve boredom. Example: We should get our dog a chew toy so that he won’t chew on the furniture.
  • Collar – A band put around the neck of an animal, often for identification or to attach a leash. Example: My dog wears a collar with his name and address.
  • Companion animal – A pet kept for companionship and enjoyment, rather than for work or other purposes. Example: Dogs and cats are common companion animals.
  • Domesticated animal – An animal that has been tamed and kept by humans as a pet or for agricultural purposes. Example: Horses, cows, and chickens are domesticated animals.
  • Food bowl – A dish where pet food is placed for consumption. Example: The cat’s food bowl was empty, so I filled it with food.
  • Fur – The hair covering the skin of many animals, providing warmth and protection. Example: We need to brush his fur before it gets tangled.
  • Furry friend/Furry companion – A colloquial term for a pet with fur. Example: My furry friend, Max, loves to cuddle.
  • Groomer – A person (or business) that brushes, cleans, and/or cuts the fur, nails, or teeth of animals. Example: The dog’s hair is getting a little long for summer. We should take him to the groomer.
  • Grooming – The act of cleaning, brushing, or cutting an animal’s fur, nails, or teeth for hygiene and appearance. Example: Cats are known for grooming themselves constantly.
  • Harness – A dog harness is a piece of equipment designed for dogs, which wraps around the body to distribute pressure more evenly than a traditional collar. It typically goes around the chest and sometimes the abdomen, with straps connecting over the back. Example: The harness helps control a dog better than a collar.
  • House-trained – Taught to behave appropriately indoors, especially regarding toileting habits. Example: The dog is house-trained so he won’t go to the bathroom inside.
  • Kennel – A shelter or small house for a dog. Example: We should put the dog in the kennel before we leave.
  • Kitten – A young cat. Example: The kitten was so small and playful.
  • Leash – A rope or chain used for leading or restraining an animal, especially a dog. Example: We should keep the dogs leashed so that they don’t run away.
  • Litter – A group of newborn animals, typically used for dogs or cats. Example: We have a new litter of puppies.
  • Litter box – A container filled with litter for a cat to use as a toilet. Example: I clean the litter box every day.
  • Mixed breed/Mutt – An animal whose parents are of different breeds. Example: My dog is a lovable mixed breed.
  • Pet – An animal kept for companionship and enjoyment rather than utility. Example: You should consider getting a pet to keep you company.
  • Pet food – Food specifically formulated for animals. Example: I buy high-quality pet food for my dog.
  • Pet owner – A person who keeps a pet. Example: Responsible pet owners provide proper care for their animals.
  • Pet store – A shop that sells pets, pet food, and pet supplies. Example: I went to the pet store to buy some fish food.
  • Puppy – A young dog. Example: Everyone loves playing with puppies.
  • Purebred – An animal whose parents are both of the same breed. Example: My cat is a purebred Siamese.
  • Terrarium – A glass container used for keeping small land animals or plants. Example: We created a terrarium for our pet lizard.
  • Treat – A small, special food item given to an animal as a reward. Example: My dog loves his treats.
  • Vaccinate – To give an animal a vaccine to protect it from disease. Example: My dog is vaccinated against rabies.
  • Vet (Veterinarian) – A medical professional who treats animals. Example: The vet gave my horse a couple of shots.
  • Water dish/Water bowl – A container for a pet’s drinking water. Example: The cat’s water dish needs to be filled with fresh water.
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Verbs for pets

  • Adopt – To take a pet into your home as a permanent member of the family, often from a shelter. Example: We should go to the animal rescue and adopt another cat.
  • Bark – The sound dogs make, often to express excitement, alertness, or annoyance. Example: The dog barked at the squirrel for hours. (This word can also be a noun. Example: His bark is annoying.)
  • Bite – To grip or cut with the teeth. Example: It’s important to train dogs not to bite.
  • Feed – To give food to an animal. Example: We feed our dog twice a day.
  • Fetch – To retrieve something that has been thrown. Example: My dog loves to play fetch.
  • Groom – To clean and care for the appearance of a pet, involving brushing, bathing, etc. Example: Poddles are harder to groom than many animals.
  • Growl – A low, menacing sound an animal makes as a warning. Example: The dog growled at the intruder.
  • Hiss – The sound a cat makes when it’s angry or scared. Example: The cat hissed at the dog. This word can also be used in reference to snakes or any other animals that make a similar noise. It is also used as a noun.
  • Meow – The sound cats make, used for communication or to express needs or emotions. Example: The cat was meowing for food.
  • Neuter/Spay – Surgical procedures to remove reproductive organs in male (neuter) and female (spay) animals to prevent breeding. Example: We had our male dogs neutered as puppies so that they would hopefully not be aggressive. In addition, a neutered or spayed pet is often said to be “fixed”. Example: Is your dog fixed?
  • Purr – The rumbling sound a cat makes when it’s happy. Example: My cat purrs when I pet her.
  • Roll over – To turn over onto one’s back. Example: My dog knows how to roll over.
  • Scratch – To rub claws against a surface. Example: My cat loves to scratch the scratching post.
  • Sit – To lower the body to a sitting position. Example: “Sit,” I commanded my dog. / Sit down.
  • Stay – To remain in a particular place or position. Example: “Stay,” I told my dog, and he waited patiently. / Max, stay. Do not move.
  • Train – To teach a pet to behave in desired ways or perform specific tasks. Example: We trained our dog to stand on its back legs.
  • Walk – To take a pet, especially a dog, outside for exercise and to go to the bathroom. Example: Can you walk the dog when you get home? He hasn’t been out since this morning.

Adjectives for pets

  • Furry – Covered with or having a lot of fur. Example: Wow! Your cat is really furry.
  • Loyal – Faithful and devoted, especially describing the bond between pets and their owners. Example: Dogs are very loyal pets.
  • Matted – When hair or fur becomes tangled or knotted together, forming clumps or mats. This often happens when hair is not properly groomed or brushed. Example: The dog’s hair will become matted if you don’t brush it often.
  • Obedient – Willing to obey commands or follow rules, describing well-trained pets. Example: That dog is very obedient for being a puppy.
  • Playful – Full of energy and liking to play, often used to describe young or lively pets. Example: The kittens are so playful.
  • Tangled – When hair, yarn, or threads are knotted or twisted together, often making it difficult to separate or comb through. Example: Her hair is tangled. Please brush it.
  • Trained – Having been taught to behave or perform in a certain way through training. Example: My dog was trained to give hugs.

Common pets types

Mammals (and fish)

Birds (Pictured: A parrot)
Cats (kittens)
Dogs (puppies)



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