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The four types of sentences in English

The Four Types of Sentences in English
The Four Types of Sentences in English

In English, sentences are primarily categorized into four types based on their function or purpose. These four types are:

  1. Declarative sentences: These sentences make statements or assertions. They provide information, express facts or opinions, and typically end with a period (.).
    • Example: The sky is blue.
  2. Interrogative sentences: These sentences ask questions. They seek information or clarification and always end with a question mark (?).
    • Example: What is your name?
  3. Imperative sentences: These sentences give commands, instructions, or make requests. They often (but not always) omit the subject “you” and can end with either a period (.) or an exclamation mark (!), depending on the emphasis.
    • Example: Close the door. (command)
    • Example: Please pass the salt. (request)
    • Example: Stop what you are doing, now! (command)
  4. Exclamatory sentences: These sentences express strong emotions or surprise. They always end with an exclamation mark (!).
    • Example: What a beautiful day!

Understanding these four types of sentences is fundamental to constructing clear and effective communication in English, both in writing and speaking.

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