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Conjunctive adverbs: What they are and what they do

Conjunctive Adverbs
Conjunctive Adverbs

Conjunctive adverbs are words that serve as connectors between clauses or sentences, providing a smooth transition in writing or speech while showing the relationship between ideas.

What are they?

Conjunctive adverbs are special adverbs that link two independent clauses (which could stand alone as sentences) or sometimes even phrases. They can indicate contrast, cause and effect, sequence, addition, or other types of relationships between the clauses they connect.

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Common conjunctive adverbs:

  • Addition: also, additionally, furthermore, moreover
  • Cause and effect: therefore, hence, thus, consequently
  • Comparison: similarly, likewise
  • Contrast: however, nevertheless, nonetheless, still, yet
  • Example: for example, for instance
  • Sequence: then, next, afterward, meanwhile

How to use them:

  1. Between clauses:
    • Use a semicolon before the conjunctive adverb and a comma after it when it connects two independent clauses.
      • Example: I wanted to attend the concert; however, I had to finish my homework.
  2. At the beginning of a sentence:
    • You can start a new sentence with a conjunctive adverb, followed by a comma.
      • Example: I decided to help. Meanwhile, my friends were preparing the dinner.
  3. Within a clause:
    • Sometimes, they can be used within a single clause to add information or clarify the relationship between parts of the sentence.
      • Example: He was late; he had, however, a good excuse.

Tips for ESL learners:

  • Be aware of meaning: Understanding the relationship you want to show between sentences or clauses is crucial. Choose your conjunctive adverb based on this relationship.
  • Punctuation: Remember the punctuation rules. The semicolon before and the comma after can seem tricky but are essential for clear writing.
  • Practice: Try rewriting simple sentences using conjunctive adverbs to get a feel for how they function.
  • Reading: Pay attention to how conjunctive adverbs are used in English texts, which can help you see them in context.

By mastering conjunctive adverbs, you’ll significantly improve the flow and sophistication of your English writing and speaking.

Continue learning:

Types of conjunctions in English
Coordinating conjunctions
Correlative conjunctions
Subordinating Conjunctions

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